Welcome to Overbound, and to the Clarity Gateway!
The goal of this 4-modular program is to help you understand your new Clarity Eyesight Trainer, what benefits it provides, what skills it helps you develop, and when and how to use it to increase the effectiveness of your existing practice. If this is your first encounter with eyesight practice, it will help you develop the most fundamental visual skills and get you well ready to embark on the journey towards the vision of your dreams.
You have landed in the program HUB - the center, the dashboard, the entry point to all content of this program. You will always start and end here. So scroll down, choose the module that is next on your learning plan. Get set. Let’s go!
About the Program
Learn about the structure of the program, its features and the ways to engage with it, so that you can learn fast and efficiently. Get from theory to practice in a blink of an eye.
Clarity Eyesight Trainer
Explore your new Eyesight Trainer, learn about its attributes, how to use it, and how to care for it.
Internalize the #1 rule for leveraging Clarity for your eyesight development practice.
Principles of Vision Improvement
No matter what skills you want to acquire, it always makes sense to build your knowledge from the bottom up. In this section you will discover the basic rules and principles of vision improvement, learn how to reach your eyesight goals, and what to watch out for as you attempt to learn new vision skills.
Selective Vision Obstruction
Discover one of the most powerful master techniques in eyesight improvement.
Learn about its benefits, when and how to incorporate it into your vision practice. -
Shield Pairing Guide
A simple guide for when to use each Clarity Shield.
A vision development journey is, well, a journey. Without getting you bogged down with too much whats and whys (you can learn those in more comprehensive programs), let’s instead focus on taking action and let’s get you started.
First things first. Just as you need to learn the notes before learning to play a sonata, prepare your paints and brushes before taking a first stroke on a blank canvas, or simply set the table before serving a family dinner, there are a few things to do before any of your eyesight training begins. Go through the steps below one by one. Take as much time as you need, just don’t skip them.
Your Eyes Are Your Best Friends
Embrace your current vision to ease the improvement process and to see results faster. Practical instructions to the what and why.
Environment Matters
Your environment has a strong influence on your health. Make sure you are set up for success.
Critical Vision Habits
The way you use your eyes day in and day out can make or break your progress. Prevent your unconscious actions from jeopardizing your work.
In this section of the Clarity Gateway we will demonstrate the proper use of the Eyesight Trainer while teaching you your first very important practices of the natural approach to vision and vision care. Some of these practices may challenge common beliefs about what is and is not good for keeping your vision in top shape. Whether or not you follow through is your choice. Please refer to the Overbound safety guidelines if in doubt.
Eye Muscles Relaxation
Seeing is only clear when performed with ease. Effort is neither necessary nor desired. Relaxing your eye muscles, letting go of any strain should begin any vision practice.
Light Tolerance
Light is the life of the eyes. Increase your eye’s acceptance of light, decrease light sensitivity.
Field of View Expansion
The quality of your vision depends on every element, every part of your eyes. Activate your eyes fully to increase the breadth of your vision, as well as its clarity.
Relative Movement
Whether you are aware or unaware, everything around us is in constant movement. Seeing it is the most natural ability of the human eye.
Visual Memory and Imagination
Active engagement of your brain in the process of vision adjustment is a must. Most techniques benefit from it, for some it is a requirement.
We hope you have enjoyed Clarity Gateway! Now, when you have established the foundation for your visual learning, consider further development of your skills with the help of one of our classes.
At Overbound we provide an array of programs serving beginners, intermediate students, as well as advanced practitioners. Get yourself familiar with the options and choose the one that suits your needs the best.
The Overbound Eyesight Trainer is an indispensable master tool without which vision training is more difficult to execute and eyesight improvement is more difficult to achieve. As appropriate, the Eyesight Trainer is meant to be used alone (just you, your eyes and your shields), or in combination with other tools, such as those that guide your gaze or provide feedback for how well you are performing the skill you are learning.
Click on the button below to learn about or to gather some of the most commonly used tools.