Your environment has a strong influence on your health. To set you up for success, please review the following and adjust it as appropriate.
In the rooms where you spend the most time, check the amount of light. The more natural light the better. Consider moving your workspace close to the window, this will allow you to change focus often without interrupting your work (more on this later).
If you simply cannot add natural light, adding extra lamps can help ensure that you are not left in the dark. Due to the breadth of their light spectrum (both visible and invisible to the human eye) incandescent light bulbs are deemed to be better for your vision than their high efficiency alternatives. However, as they are less energy efficient, they are hard to find these days. So if and LED is your only choice, switch between white light tailored bulb for the day and more yellow light producing bulbs for the evening. Some light bulbs have the ability to adjust their settings to fit both needs.
When working on your computer, adjust the light of the room to match your monitor’s brightness. It is much easier on the eyes.
Adjust the height of your monitors. Place your screens at your eye level, so that you can look at them straight, without the need of lowering your gaze and your head. It will help with preventing slouching and posture related fatigue, such as shoulder and neck strain
Adjust your monitor brightness, contrast and color scheme. This is especially important in the evening when the natural light is heavy on high wavelength yellow and red light. Less blue light in the evening hours will make your eyes less tired and protect your natural body rhythm.
Many cases of myopia were started by the person’s desire to avoid, to not see certain things. Most often the desire is unconscious, somewhat protective of nature. While becoming aware of that initial cause can be a big help in the healing process, here is not the place nor the time to deal with it.
For now, what you should learn from it is that it is difficult to make yourself look at things you do not like. So check around, remove things from your environment that make you feel uneasy. Organize your house and office, tidy up if needed. Bring in a piece of art that makes you happy and curious. In short, create a space that is worth looking at.