This page is where you find the Overbound Performance training regimens, structured and categorized, so that you can easily move to where you want to go. While skipping and jumping around is allowed, even encouraged (you are the best judge of what skills your eyes need to learn), we recommend that you follow the training order as presented on this board until you get familiar with the system and drills. After that, train as you choose.

  • Introduction to Eyesight Development

    Before you start your training, learn about the way we see, and get familiar with a few basic rules of vision development.

  • Performance Eyesight Trainer

    Learn about what this tool has to offer, how to use it, and how to care for it.

  • Introduction to Performance Training

    Everything you need to know about how, when and where to train.

  • STEP 1: Stretching and Relaxation

    Prepare your muscles for training. The essential step most want to skip, and why they should not. Learn a few easy techniques to get it done fast and effectively.

  • STEP 2: Eye Conditioning

    Engage your eyes so they are ready to learn. See it as a quick warm up before the whistle.

  • STEP 3: Peripheral Vision Basics

    Being aware of all action on the field at any given time provides athletes with significant advantage in a game. Learn about the peripheral field of view and the role periphery plays in your vision.