Myopia: aka nearsightedness. Caused by the inability of rays of light to reach the retina due to the elongated eyeball, a result of muscular strain. Other reasons may also contribute to the condition.
Symptoms: Difficulty to focus on far objects. Shrinking field of view when wearing corrective glasses.
Traditional correction: Concave lenses with a strength measured in negative diopters.
Natural correction: The path to seeing far objects with your naked eyes awaits you inside this month’s lesson.
May your eyesight be boundless.
This image shows the optometric explanation and compensation for myopia.
In the left image, the rays of light are unable to reach the retina due to the length of the eye or due to other accommodative insufficiency. The focal point of the light is in front of the retina.
The right image shows that a concave lens placed in front of the eye diverges the light and thus adjust the angles under which the light enters the eye and changes where the light falls. The focal point is now moved to the retina.
“ With my naked eyes I see all distant things with absolute clarity. When I look far my eye muscles are relaxed, my eyes move freely and easily from one point to the next, in perfect partnership and balance. I choose to see this way right now and always.
Directions for using the mantra as part of your routine:
Repeat at least 5 times before beginning your practice. Best when said aloud, with your eyes closed, visualizing seeing far objects and feeling the joy of seeing them. Whatever “far objects” means for you is your choice. Remember that you are the master of your mind. You control the mind, which controls your brain, which then controls your body (per neuroscience and neuropsychology). Choose the way you want to see, then through your thoughts (by making clear, positive, non-negotiable statements about your desired future, but in the present tense) command your brain to help you while you take action in the form of your daily practice.
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Pinhole glasses for the training of seeing faraway
Distance Extension leveraging the Brock String
Shifter for Saccadic Movement training