If that is what you are looking for, then you have landed at the right place. Clarity Unleashed is a comprehensive vision improvement program designed for beginners and intermediate students who want to learn on their own terms. The program covers everything from visual habits and proper mindset to techniques that rebuild your visual skills and extend the distance at which you can see clearly. The techniques taught inside Clarity Unleashed benefit any vision condition. The class extensively leverages the Overbound Clarity Eyesight Trainer, which is included in the program’s price.
Clarity Unleashed program is designed to teach much of what is needed in order to improve any vision condition. The most common are errors of refraction, such as myopia (nearsightedness), presbyopia (old-age eyesight), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (distorted vision). The method also helps lessen or relieve symptoms of strabismus, double vision, cataracts, glaucoma, and other issues. Those with severe visual complications will greatly benefit, but they may also need additional help.
Providing just enough theory or background information to keep your curiosity satisfied, the program’s focus is on the practice of techniques that lead to improvement of your vision. We equip you with the principles and rules of natural vision improvement, with information about various vision skills needed for clear seeing and the context of all the techniques presented to you within the broad scope of the methodology. With that said, since it is actions that will drive your transformation, the majority of your engagement with the program will be spent practicing the techniques that develop the vision skills you need.
Clear Vision happens when the eyes are used as designed and the visual system performs an array of individual visual skills with a high level of proficiency. The way you look, the level of your lenticular accommodation, the contraction of your pupils, the state of your extraocular muscles, as well as the way your brain interprets the visual signals sent by the eyes through the optic nerve, it all impacts how you see the world.
Clarity Unleashed is designed to teach these skills in a well selected order that allows you to progressively build your skill set. Following an introduction, the class presents the content in 5 modules released over the period of 4 weeks.
EYE DISCOVERY: In module 1 you will learn to understand your eyes, their behavior and needs and you will adjust many aspects of your behavior, environment and attitudes that are causing your vision to decline
MASTER TECHNIQUES: Module 2 teaches the master techniques necessary for a successful vision practice - memory, imagination and selective vision obstruction
EYE AWAKENING: In module 3 you will train your eyes to be engaged and you will prepare your visual system for the more complex learning that follows. Suppressed eyes will be history. The full spectrum of your vision field will come to life as you let go of tunnel-like vision. Your world will widen.
LOOKING TO SEE: How you look, what you focus on, which visual phenomena you are aware of and which you ignore, it all predetermines the level at which you can see clearly. Module 4 will make sure there are no boundaries between you and the objects of your interest and that you look with ease at any distance.
Then, in module 5 you will conquer the final set of techniques that lead to clear seeing up close and far away.
Modules are released every 7 days over the period of 4 weeks. On week two you will gain access to modules 2&3 at the same time. Intermediate students ready to progress quickly may complete the program within the month’s time. Students who are new to vision training are encouraged to extend their learning time to ensure enough depth is allowed in their learning. Either way, the class is a self-study program, so truly, there is no time limit to your learning. Your vision, your pace.
The program is put together in a way that fosters the initial learning, but also allows a quick review of the knowledge or the techniques during repeated / refresh practice.
Each module begins with a video introduction that highlights the upcoming set of skills and calls out any watch-outs. The instructions are presented in the written form and demonstrated by ample images, gifs or videos. A well structured vision journal (included) further supports the learning process.
The program is compatible with AI translation into any language in the world. The “how to” steps are provided.
At Overbound we pride ourselves for providing highly effective programs in the most efficient way possible. In order to do that, our methods leverage the most sophisticated tools available. The patent-protected Clarity Eyesight Trainer is an indispensable part of our programs and is included in the price of the program. That is a HUGE value for you and a guarantee that your training is done right.
Since this is a full scale program, please note that you will need a few additional tools in addition to the Eyesight Trainer. You can print, make or purchase them at your own discretion (there are multiple options). We will make sure you know what you need and when.
Yes, it does. No matter what your visual condition or deficiency, Clarity Unleashed will have a positive effect on your eyesight. There are some conditions that are easier to address than others, but all eyes need to be used in the manner they were designed and that on its own improves the way you see. So again, yes, no matter what your eyes need, they will benefit from this program.
You will see progress with 10-15 minutes of daily practice. If you have more time, practice more. You may divide your practice into multiple short sessions, so that it is easier to stick to it.
Some vision skills improve as quickly as in one session, others take longer.
The results of your practice depend on the condition of your vision, the type of your visual errors, your health, mindset and other factors. It is important to commit to the process, not just the end result, so that you can practice with ease. Be patient and be observant. Clear vision is not just 20:20. Notice changes in depth perception, in feeling safe to walk, in seeing brighter colors, having less visual fatigue. Celebrate those moments, as they too are steps towards better visual acuity.
Yes. Eyesight is a skill and when you learn a skill you need to create the conditions that help you get there.
When you want to play the cello, you need the instrument, a bow, a music stand, some music sheets and a metronome. When learning the skill of swimming, you need a pool, swim trunks, a floatie, and swimming goggles.
When learning visual skills you will need the tools that enable and support the improvement of eyesight. In Clarity Unleashed we provide all printable tools for a free download. We point out all other tools you will need to complete the class. Some of them you will need to make, others you may purchase in the shop. Of the tools you can buy, the Clarity Eyesight Trainer is the most critical one. That is why we offer the Trainer at a significantly discounted price when purchased as a COMBO - Clarity Unleashed + Clarity Eyesight Trainer.
Please note that retrospective discounts are not provided.
Absolutely not. Clarity Unleashed is designed to completely reformulate the way you view your vision, the way you use the eyes. There is only one exercise inside the program. The rest are techniques that involve deeper engagement than a simple physical activity.
All of them. You should follow the modules and sections in the order they were designed, no matter what vision condition you are dealing with. It teaches the individual skills you need to acquire in the order in which they need to be addressed.
Vision improvement is not a sprint. It is a skill development process that requires involvement of your eyes, and it heavily involves your brain.
The content of the program is released on a weekly basis for 4 weeks, so that you allow yourself the time to learn, reflect on, practice and absorb the information and techniques presented. Your success lies in your daily practice and in repetition. Some techniques work faster than others, but your experience can gain depth even if a techniques seems easy. So, be patient, be kind to yourself, and if you think you are done, go back and practice again. You will be glad you did.
When you enroll, you will receive lifetime access to Clarity Unleashed, including all future updates. That means that you can go back as many times as you wish.
Yes. All techniques inside Clarity Unleashed have been performed by students for a hundred years. They are safe to practice. With that said, if you are uncomfortable performing any of the techniques, you may choose to skip them.
Clarity Unleashed is a full scope class. That means that it truly teaches all the steps to better vision that do not require the live presence of a coach. We left nothing behind. You will learn to understand the needs of your eyes, adjust your habits, your environment, your thinking and you will practice ample techniques that will restore the visual skills needed for good vision. We provide you with a vision journal to help you navigate your way and to track progress as you go. Unlike any other class you can find, Clarity Unleash comes with the patented Overbound Clarity Eyesight Trainer, the unique vision obstruction system that boosts the effectiveness of any eyesight training.
So, unless you would actually prefer to work with a coach or a teacher via one of our guided or live classes (group or one-on-one), Clarity Unleashed is your way to the eyesight you have always wanted.
So don’t wait! You are meant to see, but improvement does not happen on its own.
Take advantage of the offer below while it lasts.
SAVE nearly $120
Clarity Eyesight Trainer: regular price $159
Clarity Unleashed Lifetime Access: regular price $359
Total value: $504
Enroll now for only $397 ($518)
Special price conditions: Please notice that Clarity Unleashed (program) and Clarity Eyesight Trainer (physical product) must be purchased together, in the same transaction, and through the links provided on this website in order to receive the discounted price. No retrospective price adjustments will be made.
OK. We told you that the best results from this class are obtained when selective vision obstruction is leveraged. Now, we do understand that you may live in a place to which we cannot ship the Eyesight Trainer, or you have another valid reason for not wanting it. That’s fair. You should get a chance to learn, practice and get boundless vision regardless. So, click on the button below and start your journey the way you want it to be.