Clarity Program is a SELF-STUDY PROGRAM for those who are NEW TO NATURAL EYESIGHT IMPROVEMENT, and for those READY TO FURTHER THEIR VISION DEVELOPMENT THROUGH SELECTIVE VISION OBSTRUCTION, as provided by the Clarity Eyesight Trainer. Thanks to its nature it can be started anytime. No need to wait.





To those who are just getting started the program provides an introduction to the art of natural vision improvement. It covers basic principles, rules to follow, and tips that help them stay on track with their practice. It features selected techniques representing most categories of vision skills needed for improved eyesight:

  • Relaxation for the eyes and the visual system

  • Field of view expansion through the engagement of peripheral vision

  • Seeing movement

  • Revival of visual acuity at various distances

  • Binocular vision and 3D vision

  • And additional practices addressing the most common symptoms of refractive errors (astigmatism, double vision, etc.) 


To those already familiar with natural vision improvement, the program teaches (through application on nearly 30 techniques) how to leverage vision obstruction to enhance and maximize the effect of their current practice for the purpose of improving the state of their myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia and other errors of refraction. 




The program is based on the principles of the Bates Method combined with Overbound’s own proprietary regimens for sports eyesight development. If you are a long-time student of the Bates Method or programs that follow its principles, you will find some of the practices familiar. Other practices will be new.


The Clarity  Program contains an introduction section followed by 4 modules that cover the vision development categories mentioned earlier.

  • Each module teaches one or multiple skills.

  • It first provides some background for why the skill is being taught (just enough to satisfy your curiosity and to gain your buy-in, but not so much that you would get overwhelmed).

  • It then presents several techniques that will help you learn the desired skill.

  • Each technique is first presented in a written format. A step by step tutorial shows what to do, how to do it and, if relevant, for how long. Critical mistakes or other critical information is called out as needed.

  • The description of most techniques is then accompanied by its visual representation or demonstration. Depending on the complexity of the technique, the program uses images, GIFs, or video to showcase the best way to practice.

  • Additionally, the technique materials call out which Clarity Eyesight Trainer training lens or lenses to use for the practice, what to watch out for, and provide advice on practice variations. 

  • Downloadable resources , such as practice charts and other materials, are provided.

The majority of the training materials feature Irena Castle (Eyesight Development Coach and Overbound founder) practicing in Inniswood Metro Gardens in Westerville, Ohio during the annual Kaleidoscope of Colors festival. Some techniques are demonstrated by students of the Overbound sports program. 





What and how much to practice, is the number one question everyone asks before engaging in natural vision improvement. So, here you go.

Natural vision improvement is a process that develops new or forgotten skills. Similar to any skill learning (practice of yoga, playing an instrument, computer animation, speaking a new language), the process takes time and requires your engagement

The amount of practice depends on each person’s unique ability. One can practice as much and or as little as they want. Overall, repetition is your friend and daily practice will bring you best results. Much success happens when longer sessions complement shorter ones. If you are serious then you should plan for at least 15 minutes a day. Shying away? Remember that you can build up to that over time.

Clarity Program can be studied on its own, as your only practice guidance, or it can be leveraged as a complement to guided natural vision improvement programs, as well as guided vision therapy.

Suggestions for routines are provided. 





This program comes complementary with the purchase of the Clarity Eyesight Trainer and is available for FREE for 6 months.

At Overbound we use proprietary tools to help people achieve their vision goals, and we do it with the highest possible efficiency. The Clarity Trainer is our most essential product, and a must-have tool for effective and efficient vision development practice. We use it in all of our programs and if at a later date you decide to learn elsewhere, you will be thankful you have it as well.

Unique code supplied with each Clarity Eyesight Trainer is required for access.




Overbound Clarity is a self-taught/self-study program. We have put a lot of thought and effort into presenting the materials in a structured, yet simple way and we hope you will find the program clear and easy to understand. If you have a question about the techniques, you may submit it by clicking here. We periodically consolidate questions that we receive, categorize them and publish the answers in the FAQ section of the program.




Clarity Eyesight Trainer and Program serves students and vision coaches from many countries in the world. They may or may not speak English. While the instructions are provided in English only, the written nature of the technique explanations and demonstrations allow for the program to be auto-translated into nearly any language. Instructions for how to do this are provided within the program platform.