Welcome to the Overbound Clarity Program. Let’s start by walking you through the program structure, what it offers, how it is put together, and how best to use it.


Clarity Program is a self-study starter program for those who are new to natural eyesight improvement, and for those ready to further their vision development through selective vision obstruction, as provided by the Clarity Eyesight Trainer.

The program provides an introduction to natural vision improvement covering basic principles, rules to follow, and tips that help you stay on track with your practice. It features selected techniques representing most categories of vision skills needed for improved eyesight:

  • Relaxation for the eyes and the visual system

  • Field of view expansion through the engagement of peripheral vision

  • Seeing movement

  • Revival of visual acuity at various distances

  • Binocular vision and 3D vision

  • And additional practices addressing the most common symptoms of refractive errors (astigmatism, double vision, etc.)

Clarity Program can be used on its own or in conjunction with guided natural vision improvement programs, as well as guided vision therapy.

Clarity Program is based on the principles of the Bates Method combined with Overbound’s own proprietary regimens for sports eyesight development. If you are a long-time student of the Bates Method or programs that leverage its principles, you will find some of the practices familiar. Other practices will be new.


The Clarity Program is composed of modules, sections, and techniques.


Each modules addresses a set of related subjects presented via multiple sections.

Module 1 focuses on setting up a foundation for your practice.
Module 2 aims at the development of peripheral vision, and therefore your field of view.
Module 3 addresses techniques that lead to improved visual acuity and the expansion of the distance at which one can see clearly
Module 4 shows how to practice other skills that address vision limitations often added to the most common refractive errors

Modules 1,2, and 3 should be studied in the order presented. Additionally, the individual sections in each module should also be studied as presented. Techniques presented in the sections of module 4 can be added to practice at random based on the student’s needs.


Every section presents a quick foreword introducing a selected visual skill, and a set of techniques chosen to develop the skill. The use of the Clarity Eyesight Trainer is often required to practice the technique properly.

Close to the top of the page, and located right below the section name is a button that can take you back to the Clarity Program home page. Please use it in order to access other parts of the program.


Techniques are shown under “Let’s Practice” part within a section. Each technique is first presented in a written format. A step by step tutorial shows you what to do, how to do it and, if relevant, for how long. For some techniques it also calls out critical mistakes or other critical information.

The description of most techniques is then accompanied by its visual representation or demonstration. Depending on the complexity of the technique, the program uses images, GIFs, or video to showcase the best way to practice. When watching a video, notice that the video can be enlarged by clicking on the screen icon in the bottom corner of the video. This feature becomes available as soon as you push the “play” button and the video starts playing.

Additionally, the technique materials call out which lens or lenses to use for the practice, what to watch out for, and provide advice on practice variations. Selected practices also offer downloadable resources.

Techniques in each section are intentionally organized to allow the student to progress from more basic to more advanced practice. You may use them in a different order, just know that if you have difficulty with the latter practices, you may need to go back and work on the easier practices first.


Screen shot of a technique section


The majority of the training materials feature students of the Overbound sports program, or Irena Castle (Eyesight Development Coach and Overbound founder) practicing in Inniswood Metro Gardens in Westerville, Ohio during the annual Kaleidoscope of Colors festival.



Natural vision improvement is a process that develops new or forgotten skills. Similar to any skill learning (practice of yoga, playing an instrument, computer animation, speaking a new language), the process takes time and requires your engagement.


The amount of practice depends on your unique ability. You can practice as much and as little as you want. Overall, repetition is your friend and daily practice will bring you best results. Alternate longer sessions with shorter ones based on your time and the state of your vision at any given time. Always stop any practice as soon as you feel strain, rest your eyes, and only resume when your eyes are relaxed. Pushing through strain will impair your progress.

There are different levels of proficiency. Know that even if you complete all of the practices, their repetition will deepen your experience and further improve your skills.

Practice and how to succeed is further addressed in Module 1 and throughout the program.


If you are NEW TO NATURAL VISION IMPROVEMENT, start step by step in the order the modules, sections and techniques are presented, so that you learn what you need to know in the order that is suitable for most students, regardless of their vision challenge. As you go through the program, always start your practice with relaxation and peripheral engagement (that is once you progress through module 1 and 2), then add additional practices as you learn them.

Remember, this is not a 100 meter sprint. Take the time you need to understand each technique, to perform it well, and to practice it enough so that it moves you forward on your journey. Some techniques will come to you easily while others may require many repetitions. Be in peace with it. Embrace the situation as it comes. If after several sessions a technique does not deliver any results, move on and return to it later. Mastering all of the techniques is not necessary to achieve results, but do not give up fast.

Once you learn the techniques, your ongoing practice should always include:
1) One or more relaxation technique from module 1 or another practice aimed at putting your visual system at ease. If in doubt, choose Palming.
2) 1-2 Peripheral vision development techniques from module 2
3) 1-2 Techniques from Module 3 or 4
4) Palming (even if brief) at the end of each session, so that you can reflect on the experience from the session.

If you are using this program to COMPLEMENT YOUR PRIOR OR CONCURRENT STUDY, then make yourself familiar with the content and choose the practices based on your needs.


Overbound Clarity is a self-taught/self-study program. We have put a lot of thought and effort into presenting the materials in a structured, yet simple way and we hope you will find the program clear and easy to understand. If you have a question about the techniques, you may submit it by clicking here. We periodically consolidate questions that we receive, categorize them and publish our answers periodically in an FAQ section of the program.

This program does not come with personalized support. For more in depth learning or to receive help, look for guided or coached programs or contact us to discuss other options.


Clarity Eyesight Trainer and Program is leveraged by students and coaches from many countries in the world. They may or may not speak English. While the instructions are provided in English only, the written nature of the technique explanations and demonstrations allow for the program to be auto-translated into nearly any language. Instructions can be found in the Academy home page or by clicking here.