Train Your Brain to Let You See 

by Irena Castle

Those who have ever achieved any intentional self change or growth, who acquired a new skill, or learned new things know that prior to reaching their goal they had to know what the goal was and believe that they can reach it. They needed to view it as if it had already been done, then take action steps towards it. 

It is no different in the art of seeing. In fact, given seeing (as the interpretation of visual signals) takes place in the brain, it may be even more important. If you want to see the world in a certain way, be it more clearly, broadly, or colorful, you need to start by showing your brain your goal in a way that is easy for it to understand. That is, you need to show it to your brain as if it had already happened, as if what you wish for was your present reality. Why?


Our brains do not differentiate between reality and what we make it believe is our reality. Our brains simply react to what we constantly repeat to ourselves and what we show ourselves in the way of mental images. So, if you want to see more clearly at 20 feet, you need to stop telling yourself “I want to see clearly at 20 feet”, and replace the thought with “I see clearly at 20 feet now and my vision is getting better and better every day”. The first thought will be translated as “I must keep wanting to see clearly, therefore I cannot see clearly now”. No matter how much you want to, your brain will make you keep wanting and prevent you from reaching your goal. Well, if you had reached your goal, you would no longer “be wanting” it. The second thought, however, will allow your brain to let your vision appear. I see clearly now means exactly that. No obstacles. 

Additionally, neuro-psychologists believe that the brain understands no negatives. “I no longer see blurry” is understood as “I see blurry”. Whether this is true or not is hard to tell. However, in general, positive approaches seem to deliver better and more enjoyable results than negative ones, and so keeping your words positive may be a better choice. “I can see clearly now” leaves the brain with no questions.

To get what you want you should be specific, positive, and make your thoughts and wishes appear to be your present reality.


Knowing that an image is often worth one thousand words, the positive thought about your eyesight’s future state brought into the present will gain strength if it is accompanied by a visual representation of the goal. To create a visual image that your brain understands, you can use real images, or you can create them in your mind. For example, a person with retinal detachment can print an image of a healthy eye, look at it and imagine that it is an image of their own eye. 

A nearsighted person can take a picture, with a camera, of an object at a challenging distance, look at the image and imagine that they can see it in real life. 

A presbyopic person who remembers what it was like to see up close when they were in their early 30s can simply close their eyes and remember (create an image based on past experiences) seeing the tip of their nose with absolute clarity.

If pinhole lenses do the trick for you, you can show yourself that your eyes (and your brain) are capable of seeing clearly at a specific difference. Look at an object at the point of blur with the pinhole lenses, notice the way you are looking and the way your eye and facial muscles are behaving. Then lift the pinhole lens and look at the same object. Repeat the process until you convince your brain that what you can see clearly with the pinhole lenses can also be seen without them. Be patient as it may take multiple practice sessions.


Our thoughts and visual images we allow into our mind create emotions. The combo (thoughts + emotions), repeated over and over again for a long time creates a belief. Our beliefs create our reality.

The great thing here is that as human beings we are the creators of our thoughts, and the masters of our minds, we have absolute control over what we think and what visual images we tie to our thoughts, and we can replace any thought and any image at any time. So take all thoughts about your current limited vision out of your mind, reimagine your eyesight and show your brain your new reality. Bring up your new reality thoughts and images over and over again until you have an absolute faith in what you are saying. Only then will your brain get out of your way and your vision practice will bring you the results you desire.


Easy is always better than hard. To simplify the process, write down the new truth about your vision (the way you want to see in the future, but written in positive words and in a present tense), record this truth with your own voice (your brain is used to listening to you, your own self talk, not to anyone else), then play the recording to yourself over and over again, while creating a visual image of your future eyesight and the way you will see the world when it is all done. An example of how to prime your brain for clear seeing can be found here.

May your eyesight be reimagined.



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